Songs that I loved : The first single I ever bought
Once upon a time, there was a small boy. He was, as all small boys are, obsessed with mud, things that explode and running away from girls. He had a passing dalliance with Star Wars (which he would return to with a vengeance in later life) but the first truly awesome thing to swim into his purview was a film about, erm, men who bust ghosts.
I was obsessed with Ghostbusters, after seeing it in a cinema which is now a TK Maxx, and even went so far as to fashion my own unlicensed particle accelerator out of two Robinsons squash bottles, a vacuum cleaner nozzle and a snake belt. I had the sticker book, the view-master, the computer game on my Commodore 64 (although I never could guide Ray (or it may have been Peter, the sprite was so poorly rendered) through the Stay-puft Marshmallow man's legs) and, in the days before VHS tapes - yes, it was THAT long ago - owning the soundtrack was the closest thing to watching the film again.
The song itself stands up pretty well, in a sort of cheesy, borderline camp 80's kind of way, and I'm pretty sure it is the strongest song in Ray Parker Jr's back catalogue (pop quiz - can you name another song by him?)
So as first records ever bought go, I'm not at all embarrassed by my choice. The second song I ever bought was 'Hole In My Shoe' by Neil for the Young Ones which would have been slightly more embarrassing to admit to...